I wanna Told My Story..
Ternyata I’m really in Love with the Girl that I used to like (iShe’s the “It” Girl..) I dream of her Twice in a Row yesterday and Today.. Nggak Tau kenapa tapi di Kedua Mimpi itu semuanya Bagus Banget.. asli I’m kinda often to think about Her.. huwaaaa…But Somehow the real Fact She’s Got a Boy Friend, and kalo gw ngeliat FB-nya dia kadang2 Kesel sendiri, kenapa gw sebodoh ini mengharapkan the It Girl will choose Me then Him.. tapi yang otak gw ngomongin susah banget buat dijalanain… wanna go away from Her, tp gw nggak or belom Mau..
Peristiwa pelupaan Disty, kayaknya berlanjut nih… anw just 4 info I guess and thought that the It Girl reallycan’t forget me about Disty, and Gw juga udah nyoba buat berpindah ke lain hati.. tapi tetep Gagal he..he..
I knew I make a stupid Mistake, pasti yang baca bilang, Bayangin aah kalo lo jadi cowonya, lo gimana??? Gw ngerti ama keadaan ini dan pengen Banget To go away, tapi secara gw mellow gila.. I just need her Right Now.. she can make my day shinning… Arrggghhh.. wanna scream out Loud.. nggak Cuma 2 kali Gw mimpiin dia (Shit…) udah lumayan sering belakangan.. terutama setelah dia sempet Putus (even nggak lama) I just felt that we get really closed back then (nggak memungkiri karena dia butuh Pegangan) and we just connected…
Sial.. Kenapa Gw sayang Banget ama nih Cewe Yah???
Wording for this Curhat…
“I never Knew what the future Brings, but I know u are here with me Now..
We’ll make it through, and I hope U are the One I share My Life with”
-D. beddingfile-
And satu Lagi…
I know My life isn’t going to be Perfect, but ever since Her came Ti it, It’s Preety Damn Close
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